I loved the blessing. I will copy it and put in in my A Rhythm of Prayer book.

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Thank you, Jeff. Even when you say you have little to offer, you still manage to write words that speak to my heart. The blessing was just what I needed. And it’s good to know I’m in good company in my taste for Cheetos and McD’s hash browns.

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Jeff, I read your IG post this morning and felt sad & tender towards you. I love reading whatever you write, & love hearing your perspective. Lately, you have been bringing me back to God's grace & love when I seemed to have lost my way. In fact, the other day I went hunting Apple & Spotify for podcasts where you were a guest. I needed to rest in your words & the sound of your voice & the way in which you can return my center to God. I hope that doesn't make me a "consumer". Just so very grateful for your ministry.

Please don't feel you are on anyone's timetable but your own. It is a joy to me when I see an IG post or your newletter pops into my inbox, but really, no expectations.

Rest as you need to - we will be waiting. You who bless us so much - receive our blessing in return. <3

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Winter in Texas last week was something. Your blessing resonates and is received...thank you 🙏🏻 And also, ❤️Fozzie❤️

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I just want to say thank you for your words of blessing. They are such a balm to my weary, weary soul.

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Jeff, your newsletter is my favorite each week. Even this week, when you are tired and feel empty, you manage to find a way to fill others up. Thank you.

My favorite quote this week: “You who think you might just have reached the end of your rope:

May you discover that my rope is also yours—and we’ll do this together.” Brilliant!

And thanks for the tip on making dumpling filling into a stir fry. I made some delicious chicken and bok choy dumplings a couple of weeks ago but grew tired of filling the wrappers so I froze the filling hoping for the energy to try again. Then... you said I could stir fry it! So I added a couple of ingredients, fried it up and put it over brown rice. Oh my goodness delicious and simple.

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I'm a celibate Christian struggling to find belonging and family in the church, meanwhile grieving the loss of an established and cherished friendship that I thought would last our whole lives. I don't know how to open myself to love or trust again.

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Thank you so much for sharing what I've been feeling. Your words help others not feel alone in the struggle. I loved the if you feel, then... section of your letter. What a blessing you are!! My wife has been working so hard in her office at home connected to all parts of the country, we had such a struggle with power and weather, and tried to manage our elderly parents care virtually in other parts of the state, and it was a lot. Still is, but grateful for you, this day, and the grace of God. Blessings and love to you and your husband!

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Thank you for this blessing ~ timely and much needed this morning ~Blessings

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A blessing to you too. Thank you for these timely words.

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Jeff, I'm always so excited to get your email - I wait until I can be fully present for it and read your beautiful prose with the focus and time it deserves. Today's blessing was exactly the rope I needed (everyone and everything is on my very.last.nerve), to stop and breathe, and gain a better perspective. Thank you, as always, for your honesty and beautiful heart.

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I, too, loved the blessings. I spoke the doomscrolling one over a dear friend of mine via email; it, in particular, was so timely. I also want to express my gratitude for your fried rice recipe. Not only is it perfect for using bits and bobs from the fridge and things from the CSA box we can't think what to do with, but it is also delicious.

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Oh my, thank you so much for the blessing. I’m a pastor in my second year of ministry (I was a whole 4 months in when COVID hit). This week a beloved member passed away less than two weeks after her mother, a matriarch of our church, died. We’re reeling and I’m trying to be present for my people when all I want is to crawl in my bed and cry. The bleeding with the blessing feels right to me right now. Thank you for your hospitality in so many of the qualifying statements. I certainly relate to many of them and needed to remember that as I’m feeling all over the place, God’s grace is present with me each way I turn. Blessings of rest to you, and thanks again.

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Jeff, I love your writing! I so appreciate your insights and your musings. My favorite part is the way you let us into your everyday world. In addition, as someone who spends his days over-thinking things and second-guessing himself, I feel like you are a kindred spirit of sorts. Thank you most of all for that. Blessings to you!

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The blessing is beautiful, and perfect for right now. Thank you! ❤️ I hope this and all the positive comments here serve as an encouragement to you.

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Thank you for this beautifully written blessing. What’s on my heart? During Lent I’m trying to embrace my own limitations/surrender my own control in “keeping everyone alive and safe during the pandemic.” Whew! I too appreciate gardening in the sense of letting go of some control and opening myself up to mystery, surprise, and (often) disappointment.

May you be blessed with some room to breathe; some space to rest, heal, and grow; and some snuggles with Fozzie!

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