Look at all your comments. Look at how you all are cultivating hope and paying attention to goodness, finding nourishment and seeking sustenance, even in the midst of the mess. Be encouraged.

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My most recent sign of hope was discovering that my water heater was no longer heating the water, leaving a message at the plumber at 6:00 pm yesterday, and having a technician replace the tempering valve before 11:00 this morning.

I honestly thought I would be without hot water all weekend. That, combined with everything going on, was very demoralizing. The quick service gave me hope that things can change as quickly to the better as we have seen it change to the bad.

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We recently had a hot-water issue in our house, and it made me consider how we take such modern conveniences for granted. Glad that yours, like ours, was resolved quickly.

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My garden is where I feel close to God.

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Jean W.

went to help with grandchildren last weekend. Six year old Maddy loves anything nature and outdoors. On return from the park she leapt with joy to see some blooms on the crocus bulbs that only 10 days ago were under frozen ground. I would not have noticed but she was down on her knees looking and so excited. What joy and hope for me for the future tjrpigj the eyes of a young child.

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I love how kids draw our attention to things we might not otherwise have perceived. Thanks for sharing.

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I find hope in community, specifically the community of my women's small group at church. We don't all agree politically but we do agree to love each other, pray for each other, and accept each other without judgment. It is a holy time for me!

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We have a Seniors’ Book Group at our church….two men and seven women right now. We meet weekly and do not agree politically, but we are committed to each other in love.

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I find hope in my family and in the caring responses of my students. I step outside to find hope in the air fresh with rain, the birds in the sky, and the green of the new flowers, trees, and plants. I hear hope in the laughter of children.

Thank you for sharing love and compassion.

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Jeff, I’m finding hope in the company of caring friends who are fiercely devoted to justice - and in words of encouragement and inspiration from people like you!

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I am finding joy in the first tips of the daffodils pushing through the ground. But the thought of your garlic inspires me, green now with the promise of good meals ahead.

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(Your thoughts and words consistently pull me back toward writing. <3)

I’ve had a long season of survival recently, and w/ 2 young kids, that means cooking EFFICIENTLY, not necessarily creatively. But last night, for the first time in forever, I cut up leeks, and minced garlic (I used a stainless steel knife) and made soup from scratch. This morning I could still smell the minced garlic on my hands — a promise of old and new, of pungency and flavor and creativity.

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Oh how I needed this prayer today. Thank you.

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I find hope in community and meals together. Our local library has been hosting events as part of the National Endowment of the Arts Big Reads program. We've been reading "Interior Chinatown" by Charles Yu and theyve had different events centered around the concept of "place." It's given me a lot of hope. Yesterday, we went to a square dancing event they were hosting and it was a nice way to break away from all the stress in the world and enjoy a time of dancing a new style. Loved this post! Thank you!

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I haven't read the book. Would you recommend?

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Absolutely! It is written like a screenplay and is a satirical look on Asian stereotypes in Hollywood. I read it in two sittings. It's very good!

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I am finding hope at a wharf. The water comes in and goes out . It never stops. Sometimes it is faster than other times. But even with ice on top the underside is still moving. I need to believe God is still moving in all our lives. Sometimes I see His blessings very quickly and other times it takes a while for me to realize them. And sometimes I question if He is still here among the chaos, just as the water under the ice. But deep in my heart I know he is there

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I love thinking about where that water has been.

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A sign of hope at this time of year is always the snowdrops for me (Niagara, Ontario). Some years they are battered and bruised and chewed, but they come through the frozen ground every year, and for that I am grateful.

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It's hard to grow the Missouri plants I love here in Tucson where I live. I marvel at cacti and grow shamrocks, mint, and iris in pots. Hope is hard to maintain, but daily readings from our church help. Focused on trying to be like Jesus.

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I have a fellow mom friend who has nurtured and is growing stunning cut flower beds and selling the flowers. Her year round work in the beds fills homes and hearts. I’d like to give her a copy of your book.

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Went to see art this week with friends. The shows were honoring my friend’s sister. Walking the road of grief and creativity and laughter together

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