I really needed this today. I am struggling with the “Christian” response to so much of every horrible thing this vile, and thankfully, soon to be past president and his enablers have done. I am trying so hard not to lose my personal faith but find myself so turned off from the platitudes offered. Thank you for your honesty and authenticity along with your eloquent writing.

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Thank you Jeff for every bit of this. The prayer, the reminder of the preciousness of life gone to soon and the sorrow we all face today. I lift up your prayer as mine and know that our God is with us and that there is hope in him. You do not know how much I appreciate your voice. It is like a treasured hug from a dear friend.

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Thank you, Jeff. I have had a hard time articulating and praying about my anger. I do want and need to lament. I don't want quick platitudes about God's love and mercy, which I firmly hold onto. You expressed well much of what I've been feeling and thinking. I look forward to your words each week. Thank you for sharing them. Bruce Chittick, Seattle, WA.

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Every word of this. Thank you. 😭

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Thank you for sharing the tribute of Jamie. My 16 year old son also suffers from depression/anxiety and it is so difficult as a parent to know if anything we are doing is helping. I needed to read this article to remind me that although it may appear to the world and everyone around him that everything is fine, it still may not be. There is always work to be done.

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Your salute to the Christian flag had a different second half to what I learned. Either way, both make me so itchy, but yours is so much more icky and reeking of nationalism. Thank you for sharing the prayers. I'm having such a very hard time praying and even having a written word to read gave some life. Your email is the most valuable and anticipated thing coming to my inbox. Thank you

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That you (or any marginalized person) have been told to be grateful because America has treated you and your family well is enough of a red flag to indicate that all is not, in fact, well in America. That's the dynamic of an abusive relationship. I don't think the people that say that would recognize it, but it sounded awfully familiar to my ears. Thank you for your words of hope.

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Thanks so much for your authenticity, vulnerability and care. Your post meant so much and was sweet balm to my grieving heart. God bless you and yours.

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I'm constantly amazed by your gentleness of spirit and ability to put words to the struggles of many - or, at least the struggles of those with hearts that are this kind. My struggle is to see the world and to treat it with the same compassion and generosity as your writings suggest you do. Bless you.

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Spiritual Ibuprofen - perfect description! Just like our physical bodies have pain for a reason, ibuprofen can sometimes relieve the pain but not the cause. If we do not address the cause, we cannot cure the ailment. Sometimes that means difficult work.

Your prayer speaks to today as powerfully as it did then. Much to ponder. Thanks for sharing.

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This is one of my favorite letters of yours that I have read. You captured the moment so well

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God bless you Jeff. You are my pastor in these days. I am so grateful.

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Thank you SO much for this! I’ve really had a hard time with the “spiritual Ibuprofen” comments this week. I feel less crazy knowing I’m not alone. Going to revisit that prayer in the coming days

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Thank you for this, it was exactly what I needed today. My heart tells me to cut off my pro-Trump friends and family and have nothing more to do to them. My heart tells me to leave my position as organist at a church where the pastor does not have the balls to call out the Trumpism and Christian nationalism in our congregation. My head is reminding me often my first inclination is not the right one, is not the Christ-filled one. But I am hanging on to what is left of my mustard seed of faith by a very thin thread.

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All I can say is thank you, bless you.

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