Farewell to your dear Fozzie. Thank you for sharing him with us. I worry that it won’t be much longer until our dear Moo (another Jack Russell cross) joins him in the next life. (Because of course there will be dogs in heaven!). Our boy is 15, going deaf and blind and confused. Wants to go out, and wants to come home. Is too tired to walk far, but loves being carried.

They are good gifts from God, our sweet and bossy dogs.

Sending you and Tristan my love and sympathy in your loss.


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I'm so sorry for your loss. When a loved pet crosses the Rainbow Bridge they take a piece of your heart with them.

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My heart breaks for you, and for me from afar because through your writing The Foz wove his way into my heart too. Thank you for giving him such love and care for his final years. That love you shared will continue to grow, because that is how love works. Peace be with you!

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Go well, Fozzie. You loved and were loved. May it always be so. Prayers of holding together and letting go for you, Jeff.

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Thank you for loving him and for sharing him.

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Oh Fozzie! Oh Jeff and Tristan! Through your eyes and words I grew to love that little creature, too. I will deeply miss your pictures and stories of him. I am so sad with you.

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I’m so sorry for your loss,Jeff. Definitely not ridiculous to mourn our pets. I raised 2 children and 2 dogs at the same time and while the love for my children and dogs is different of course, my pups are part of our family. Our bigger dog, Juneau died in 2023 and we sobbed for her. My little one, Penny, is over 13 years old and I see similar signs of dementia and old age with her. It makes me sad but also grateful that she came into my life. Crying with you and Tristan in your grief. ❤️

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You are all in my heart today. I am imagining Fozzie romping with my Lucy who also loved her walks, staring down squirrels, just lying in the back yard and "looking." And like you, I see her shadow still darting around the corner of my room. I am laughing even today at her antics...I always felt she was only one gene short of talking, and Fozzie seemed that way to me, too.These creatures make our lives so much richer. They simplify things for us. They teach us the beauty of true giving. They insist on our presence even when we feel we have none to give, and that reminds us of our breadth of soul. In Lycy's last days, she lost her sight, but we still went outside and lay together in the grass "just looking." You have many friends walking with you in your grief. Thank you for sharing the amazing Fozzie with us.

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Holding you and Tristan in my prayers 🙏 ❤️, which feels entirely inadequate given the beauty of all you have shared about your furry, fuzzy Fozzie over the years. I will miss him, too.

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I’m so sad for you and Tristan….thank you for sharing your time with him.

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I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your little Fozzie with us. Dogs, man. To be loved by a dog is one of the best things there is. And losing them is so painful. Blessings on you and Tristan while you grieve. 🐾 ❤️

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So sorry to hear this! Thank you for sharing your reflections, and I hope that you will find comfort as you grieve.

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My deepest sympathy on the loss of your Fozzie. I know how I felt and cried for all the cats I have had. You will be in my prayers.

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There is a particular beauty in the privilege of caring for God's creation in a most vulnerable time. Our aging/ailing pets are an opportunity to show compassion and loving care to creatures who seem less corrupted by their own ways than humans.

In April 2021, our grown family sat on the floor of the vet's office (they were kind enough to let us in together despite COVD restrictions to comfort her and say goodbye), sobbing as we held our 16 year old, 60 pound hound mix who was a ridiculous escape artist, counter surfer and master of sneaking her way on the furniture when no one was home, and sooo much work the last year of her life; but also the great comforter and emotional support to each of the 5 of us at various times over the years. The day we brought her home from the shelter 15 years prior, she seemed to know right away this was her forever home and she was safe. Four years later we still feel that occasional pang of the empty spot in our hearts.

Love to both of you as you navigate the quiet in the days and weeks ahead. May the visits to the garden and glances at photos of Fozzie bring a smile and fond memories.

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Oh my. I was sad to read this. Grief is so hard. Please know I loved reading an out your love for Fozzie. What I keep in my heart is how much you loved that little furry guy. In these days it’s so great to see love like that. I’m thinking of you in this soft time. Thank you for sharing about your life.

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Oh, Jeff. My heart aches for you. My husband and I recently experienced a similar grief when we lost our beloved rescue Cavalier, Chuck. Life seems so empty, yet so full of love that it hurts to breathe. My prayers are with you and Tristan as you learn this new way of life.

Be well, Fozzie. You certainly lived and loved well. I am thankful that your story reached mine.

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