Jun 26Liked by Jeff Chu 朱天慧

*ONCE* (only once in all the times I’ve heard it preached) I heard the pastor say the literal translation translation of the word “follow” should read “pursue”. I like the notion of being pursued by goodness and mercy. Your thoughts?

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I agree with that. Here's what I said in my sermon:

"I think even this beautiful phrasing might underplay the well of feeling and indeed the intense emotion of that line in the Hebrew. Because the verb elsewhere is rendered 'pursue,' 'chase,' even 'hunt down.' This isn’t two kids dragging their feet and slowly straggling behind their parent. Righteousness and kindness are border collies nipping at the heels of the skittering sheep. Goodness and mercy are dolphins surfing the wake of a sailboat. Tov and chesed are the psalmist’s entourage and security detail, always hovering, moving constantly just over the shoulder, ready to serve."

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Insert clapping emoji!

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Wow. I’m writing this down in my journal to reread when my heart is heavy. Thank you for sharing!

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I live this! As an owner of 2 herding dogs, man, they are Right There - always.

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I meant love, but live works too. 😆

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Oh, once I needed 2 years to adopt a new dog, who popped up in my life. But recently I have been faster, usually because the dog who is left seems to need a companion. (and the house feels so quiet). But there is never a replacement happening. Every dog I have added has always been their own unique individual. So different each one with their own gifts and lessons. Plus, the relationship always mellows over time as we learn each other.......And Mercy....would be a great name for a dog who is following (or pursuing) you.

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In case you haven’t seen this: https://youtu.be/jJ_A2BKCNDs?si=6M_Eubw1JfeUY8hn

You are not alone and surely goodness and mercy are your companions in the journey.

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😭 Gah! "In a world of good boys, he was the best."

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Thank you for sharing about how goodness and mercy are finding you. It prompted me to think about how they're showing up in my life, too.

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Garlic scapes are mentioned a lot lately….our librarian had them for sale at the Farmers Market last Saturday. I need to google recipes!

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They're pretty versatile. I make garlic-scape pesto or mince them and add them to a stir-fry or scramble them with eggs....

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Thanks for sharing what you’re doing, cooking, reading. I’m always directed to something that touches me & enriches my life. I loved Margaret Renkl’s article. If you haven’t come across this one by Bonnie Garmus, it’s worth a read. It’s funny & poignet. Read it when you’re ready & in the mood. https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/pets/a39586057/rescue-dog-trust-essay/

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Such a beautiful essay. I am stuck on your dinner. The cooking. All the delicious stuff you made. My mouth is watering and I’m wondering where in the Texas hill country I can go to find a meal like that. And the way Jen loved you with her cobbler and her presence and you loved her back with your cooking! And I’m writing your wise words on Psalm 23 down so I can savor them later. Thanks for filling my heart up today, Jeff!

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I personally would love to have dinner with Jen, Tristan and you. ❤️

As for another pet, you’ll know when it’s time. We have had the privilege of being loved by many animals over the years. Honestly, I believe that God brings me the animals I’m supposed to care for when it’s the right time.

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OH my gosh, you AND Spencer LaJoye? Crosspointe is mere hours from me. Will I make the trek? Probably not, but I'll be mad about it.

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Oh, I'm going to come hear you on Sunday.

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Visits from good friends, good foods, watching a garden grow… grieving and remembering. All such normal yet rich experiences. I love your beautiful quote about Ps. 23. “We walk into each new day’s unknown not seeing what blessings might await. Even when they come, we might recognize them only in retrospect. Goodness and mercy aren’t the twin engines in this psalm; they’re the caboose.” Thank you Jeff for sharing your love of life.

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jeff, you may have read this already, but if not, i enjoyed "better living through birding" by christian cooper. lots of fun facts about birding and, more ominously, an account of amy cooper's racially tinged attack on him in central park. a very interesting book. looking forward to your westminster sermon this sunday, where i am a member. --tom ozinga

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