I'm reading all of your letters in one sitting because I'm hiding from responsibilities and I need earthiness and real thoughts and yours are always so well brought together. Thanks for sharing bits of your world with us, Jeff. Bless you!

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You writing is so beautiful. I’m seventy years old and I’m still learning how awesome God. Blessings to you my friend.

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Well now I want biscuits.

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Thank you, Jeff. I'm looking up where to buy seeds now. Planting something feels like a good way to practice hope in Holy Week and Coronatide.

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Thank you for listening to those who know and love you by sharing yourself with us. Your sweet words are a comfort, and I look forward to reading your Notes in the seasons to come. In the meantime, I’m going to cling to your definition of hope for a few days, ok?

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Your words are seeds of hope. Thank you. The black eyed Susan families will grow every year. Good luck.

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Thank you for your words, Jeff. Here in the UK I’m trying to grow lots of vegetables for the first real time this year. It’s surprisingly emotional, and not just because of lockdown. I think I’ll try and get bok choy seeds.

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Your writing and love of food so speak to me! Beautiful and what I needed to hear this very evening. Thank you for inviting us in!

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“Flowers matter!”

“Beauty is important!”

Thank you Jeff and Cultivate for teaching me so much about these two truths. So so good to be reading your beautiful words friend. ❤️

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Loved this and I don’t even know you. I stumbled across you on Instagram because of @jenhatmaker. But I’m happy I did. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the donkey as well as your thoughts on biscuits and planting. Your writing made it “well with my soul.”

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Thank you so much Jeff. I have needed these words. As introverted as I have always been, this has been such a hard time. I am lucky. I have a job, we are safe, we have plenty of food and toilet paper..... But this has mentally and emotionally been one of the hardest times I have ever experienced. I really appreciate hearing how others are walking thru this time too.

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Thank you, Jeff. Your writing is an inspiring gift. I like the point about the donkey and looking for who is in the margins. I also like how you ordered more seeds for you and your friend. Looking forward to reading more.

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Thank you for all of the raw and comforting words.

Here in Virginia we are a bit ahead on the warming up season. For many years, one of my greatest sources of hope is watching seeds germinate and unfurl. This year more than ever, I've finding hope in these bits of green coming to life and rising out of the darkness.

(Keeping them alive and growing into vegetables...well that is sometimes beyond me. :)

Please keep writing.

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Thank you Jeff. You continue to encourage and inspire with your words and your warm heart behind those words. Stay safe,be well!

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Thank you from your southern neighbor in Ohio. Thank you for taking the time to encourage us with beautiful words! I too and itching to get outside to plant something beautiful!

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