NYC vote! …in addition to the Farmary for those of us without cars.

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Working on it.

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Salt Lake City vote!

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I did a reading at the King's English in 2013! Great bookstore.

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Cape Cod, please!

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Where on the Cape are you?

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Tucson, AZ! Or even Phoenix, I would make the drive :) Anything outside of the brutal summer months is absolutely lovely here.

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Portland Oregon!

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Prescott AZ. Peregrine Books is our local indie bookstore. We've got a good farmers market and a lively music scene :-)

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I had to look at a map to know where Prescott is!

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You can stop here and then take yourself up to the Grand Canyon!😁

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I like your message about love, that we´re called to do something more than "win." But I´m having trouble squaring that message of depolarization with what your wrote later on about countering "noxious lies about Haitian immigrants." Don´t get me wrong -- I don´t mean to hate on the Haitians. Still, if we´re going to do more than win we´ll have to find to speak to rather than demonize those who have concerns about immigration. Otherwise we may win but we won´t love.

(Hope I don´t come off as obnoxiously contrary. All of my friends are all in with Kamala and, weirdly, I find myself out of synch. Not that I like Trump. But there´s an itty-bitty part of me that thinks Trump might be preferable to Kamala. It´s something I´m in the closet about. If people knew I´d be crucified, so to speak. People would have trouble continuing to be friends with me. They´d think I was a bad person. It´s a difficult place to be so I´m having trouble with it. Can I dislike Kamala and still be an OK guy? Is there a place for me in this online congregation of love?)

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Where did I demonize those who have concerns about immigration? One can—and ought to—identify and name untruths, and one can do so—I think I did so—without demonizing.

I'd be curious to know why you think Trump might be preferable to Kamala. For me, elections aren't about liking or disliking someone. They're about making choices that, given two less-than-perfect candidates, will be better, in my view, not just for me but also for my neighbors.

Regardless of how you vote, indeed regardless of what anyone does, I believe everyone is a beloved child of God. So you need not fear in that regard.

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Why do I dislike Kamala? For starters, there´s the lying. Here are three lies, all from the recent debate.

(1) Kamala implied that Trump supported neo-nazis when he said "there are good people on both sides." He did not. In fact, Trump specifically said that he was not referring to neo-nazis and white supremacists.

(2) Kamala implied that Trump was referring to literal human bloodshed when he used the word "bloodbath." Again, not true. Trump used the word bloodbath metaphorically to refer to a financial meltdown.

(3) Kamala repeated the lie about Trump saying people should inject Bleach. He said no such thing. The "disinfectent" Trump was talking about was part of the spectrum of light.

Kamala made it sound like Trump was a madman for saying that Haitian immigrants were eating cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio. But the fact is that some Haitians do eat dogs and cats. Some Haitians sacriface animals as part of Voodoo rituals. So if they do it in Haita, is it really such a reach to think they´ve taken their customs with them here? There is some video evidence that it´s happening. I realize this is an uncomfortable situation. We want to support the Haitian people. I do! Certainly this is a vulnerable population that deserves our compassion. But the truth is the truth. If the media can lie and say that Trump is telling people to inject Bleach, why should I trust what they say about the Springfield story?

Now, Trump is no truthteller. But if Kamala is going to demonize Trump for lying she should be careful not to do the same herself.

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It's fascinating to me to read "Trump is no truthteller. But..." I do wonder whether you're holding Kamala Harris to a different bar than you're using for Donald Trump.

As far as your comments about Haitians: The ease with which you dismiss the testimony of the officials in Springfield, Ohio, and trot out "some Haitians..." is troubling, as is your assertion that there is "some video evidence" that it is happening. Every credible source has said that the video evidence that is being posted on social media is incorrect; the most common piece of video was an American-born woman in another city in Ohio who was misleadingly and incorrectly identified as Haitian.

Finally: Some Americans do horrendous things; do you wish to be tarnished in the same way?

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7 hrs agoLiked by Jeff Chu 朱天慧

I think what’s missing in your comment is the difference between a thoughtful discussion about immigration reform and the lies that are being told about the Haitian immigrants. These Haitians are here legally and they aren’t doing the pet eating and crime that others are saying. So that’s a lie in my book. It’s actually harmful. When I have listened to the town there and hear about the bomb threat I can only imagine how the children in that town feel. Not to mention too. The fear in the immigration community! So yes, we should have good healthy debate about immigration but let’s not tell

Lies to bolster the argument. That’s not fair and not nice.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Jeff Chu 朱天慧

I'm sure you already have Bay Area bookstores you're a fan of, but I've partnered quite a bit with A Great Good Place for Books in Oakland. Happy to connect you with Kathleen, the owner. I'm also happy to host something, interview you, or brainstorm options in the greater Bay Area. Lots of great bookstores, people, and churches here.

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Great Good Place for Books has already agreed to be the bookseller at an event we already have planned. Good thinking!

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Boston!! Brookline Booksmith is a great place to go.

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Traverse City!

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Olympia Washington is a lovely city, an hour or so from Seattle. Browser’s Bookshop is owned by one of my parishioners and I’d happily make an introduction. And this ELCA pastor would also happily welcome you as preacher were you to journey this way!

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