Jeff- I live just south of Springfield on a small farm. I raised my 5 children right here in southern Ohio. You are absolutely right; accusing “others” of eating pets is a solid tradition in these parts, and has been going on for as long as I can remember.

About a week ago when I first heard these old, familiar rumors once again start floating around, I feared this would be brought up during the then-upcoming debate. Of course they were not only brought up, but amplified with fervor.

Although liberal leaning, I am politically independent and have voted for both parties in the past. However the fact that thinly veiled racist rhetoric is being actively embraced by a presidential candidate is just another reason my centrist self identifies more and more with the left. By making statements that incite fear and appeal to our baser natures, this individual and his campaign seem to be actively seeking to debase us both as individuals and as a country. I can’t think of a much better definition of evil than that.

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You must ( at least here in New York), be registered to a specific party to vote in the primary. This matters much because the winner of the primary advances to the general. I consider myself an independent but am a registered Democrat. That is where most of the sunflowers grow. Kamala Harris is a sunflower.

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Beautiful flowers, and as always, wise words

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You are dead on about the immigrant issues. I am sad as well about the demonization of any ethnicity. However, when the choice in an election is equally bad for many different reasons there is no dishonor in not participating at all. As an always failing desperately trying follower of Jesus, the Democratic position on abortion is a deal breaker for any Harris vote. No other issue matters to me because I am the least of any politicians concern. I feel literally like I am on my own… thankfully I have learned to take care of myself long ago. Be well.

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My longtime policy is not to abide the pre or post opinions on elections with people who don’t vote.

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that’s why you’re a part of the problem. It isn’t a requirement that in order to have… and express an opinion… you have to vote. Voting in any election is merely a virtue signaling feel good exercise that accomplishes nothing.

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Folks, I like to create space for curiosity, but I don't need incrimination here. Dwight, you can let an opinion you don't like pass without comment unless you have something constructive to add or something helpful to ask. And William, you need not (mis-)identify the motives of those who vote simply because you don't. You're both welcome to your opinions, of course, but if you choose to express them in this space, which I am responsible for, I'll ask that you do so in more respectful ways.

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Hi Jeff. Many thanks for your latest food for thought. I love hearing about the flowers and produce from your allotment, and your thoughts about being conscious of how we use our words.

I have enjoyed getting my garden ready for winter today and it was lovely to come in for a cup of coffee and an encouraging and challenging read. Love and peace from Edinburgh. Celia

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Thank you as always. I get so much peace from your writing. I'll be visiting some family in Grand Rapids this weekend! Excited to spend some time there.

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This meditation on growing things is just what I needed to hear right now. In some ways its been a long day and I have been feeling discouraged. I needed the reminder to keep going faithfully and let the seasons of life be. O to grace how great a debtor! amen to that.

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Dear Jeff-I am SO glad you jumped up on your soapbox! It was enlightening to read what motivated you to climb up there, and though not easy, I am ECSTATIC at your decision to vote for Harris & Walz!! Also, it makes me smile and I never tire of reading your assurance that “we are loved”…Thank you. ❤️Christy

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Jeff, thank you for saying what we all need to say: telling lies and belittling our fellow humans are unacceptable actions. Are we still teaching our children to tell the truth and love others as ourselves? I pray so. Sharon in AZ

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❤️ Thank you!

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