Thank you for addressing what is happening in Nashville. I am a teacher here, just a few minutes from where the shooting took place. It is heartbreaking, yes, and a tragedy. It is also infuriating in how preventable this is. We have the means. We know the solution to keep more kids from dying in our schools. And yet... it is so frustrating to see a senator's thoughts and prayers while the NRA's funding continues to line their pockets. It feels helpless. Thank you for your words. They are helping to carry me through the rest of my week with my students.

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I love this sentence “ You might even find in your discomfort something of an invitation”

I’ve had a bit of this this week, and it has been an invitation to slow down, reflect, assess & bring to God even more questions than normal. Especially the latest terror. I got into an uncharacteristic FB comment section rumble with a friend who feels “thoughts and prayers” should be cancelled. I’m a “both/and kind of person. It is definitely also time for action. It is all grievous.

Those tacos! Yum

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Jeff, A well written article covering a number of topics. Keep up the good work. D

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You helped make the space this early morning for me to taste and see all I may never know in a faraway place. I, too, love the donkey. Mary Oliver did as well. I will find your sermon hopefully to read or hear. I’m trying to savor the spring, as summer seems to crowd it out all too soon.

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