This is beautiful! Love the two of you together sharing honest thoughts and looking to hope while not sugar-coating the hard. Thank you for sharing this.

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Thank you for this timely reminder of being human. Looking forward to reading the book.

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Thanks Jeff for taking the time to write these words. Hearing Kate's voice through yours is calming.

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Thank you. Both.

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Jeff, I am so glad you took time for you and Tristan. It’s immensely important.

This writing is gorgeous and timely. You, along with Nadia, and Kate are such gifts for me to lean into on this stupid, splendid, monumentally hard journey.

Blessings to you!

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This is really, really beautiful and strong. Love you both.

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Oh my goodness. So many feelings! My beloved brother-in-law is in his last days of earthly life (metastasized prostate cancer), and my dear sister is living the "one foot on a banana peel" life of one who has metastatic breast cancer. Thank you, thank you to you and Kate for the thoughtful words and insights that help us all understand the many facets of being human and the crucial role of love and connection. 💗

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I am so excited for Kate's new book and I've been reading/listening to lots of interviews that she's done to preview it, but this letter from you is the best. The honesty of your friendship makes it all the more meaningful. Thank you

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Beautiful. Thank you.

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