What a lovely space to take a deep breath! Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you...I love Jesus, food and my garden (and a whole bunch of other wonderful things)....your reflections delight and resonate with me. You might enjoy Gabe Brown's YouTube or books...he writes on regenerative agriculture...I am itching to start my new garden with all the lessons I am learning from him.

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I needed to read this. Thanks Jeff!

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Thanks so much for this beautiful meditation! Several months ago when I was preparing to try out a new church after a few months off, I woke up on the day I planned to visit with such bad anxiety that I could barely get out of bed. I began berating myself for not doing even the "bare minimum" to "be a good Christian," but was interrupted with a phrase: "I have always loved you." This was true of God to me, and me to God. I didn't have to earn God's love, or prove my love for God, by going to church. It was a tremendous relief, and I rested in the love that day. It gave me courage to try again the next week, and I've been attending that church ever since. But doing it in response to love— instead of a prerequisite— was incredibly important.

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It has been a tough week and I am exhausted. Thanks for the reminder of Romans that I really don't have to do things alone. I so appreciate your weekly blogs.

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Jeff, I also spent much of my life thinking if I could do one more thing, make one more call, etc I would experience love. I have found in last few years Gods love and beauty right in front of me. The robin that sits outside my office window, the river at the wharf I enjoy sitting at, the trees, the people God has put in my life. The rabbits and groundhogs are enjoying my garden, probably more than me at this moment . Thanks for sharing your thoughts

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